

Email Addresses of Egyptologists

Update 24 September 2018


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Email lists

The International Association of Egyptologists, which maintains no email address list of its own, encourages members to send their addresses for inclusion in this list. The Association's web pages include a link to this list (see ). Please note:

  • this list is not an official list of the IAE
  • not all address holders on this list are members of the Association
  • the list does not include all email addresses of members of the Association
  • inclusion of an address in the list is a matter between the owner of the address and those who maintain the list

Other sources of Egyptological addresses are available on the World Wide Web, including:

There was also a list of Copticists at this address but it no longer works:


We do not include addresses of bulletin boards or web sites, except those mentioned above. As a non-commercial site, we do not give details of booksellers, many of whom can be reached through bibliographical search networks.

About the email database

Using the form , it is possible to search for email addresses of Egyptologists (graduate students, professionals, some administrative staff, and certain others) by surname or institution. Many Egyptologists whose names do not appear possess email addresses; the list is not comprehensive and consists only of addresses that have been notified to me. I do not know everyone personally; nor can I vouch for the work of those whose names are listed.

If you would like to be listed, please email me; include institutional affiliation or, if none, the city in which you live or work. I do not accept email addresses proposed by third parties: anyone wishing to be added to the list must write directly from their own email address. I would ask that those who are not associated with the major Egyptological institutions indicate the nature of their interest in being added to this list.

If you wish your name to be removed, write back (email address below) and say so.

The data is provided in order to help colleagues and interested parties find the email addresses of individuals. It must not be copied for mass emailings, regardless of whether the purpose is Egyptological or commercial. All addresses are now encoded in such a way as to try and minimise 'spam'. Those in the data should realise that it is almost impossible to cut out spam entirely, as the spammers are always one step ahead of the rest of us. See the next item on how to report persistent spammers.

If an address is wrong, please let me know a correct form; I cannot guarantee their accuracy, and some will always be out of date. Many organisations use aliases that do not name particular host computers, with the result that the address on a message may be different from the address for reply. The alias tends to be safest to use, because it is independent of the computer system.

Periodically a test is run on all addresses in this list for their validity. This was last done on 15 April 2008, and the list has been updated to reflect subsequent changes sent in. Addresses which failed have been marked accordingly; this will include some from previous tests, in the hope that someone may provide the missing information.

Additions or changes may be sent to Nigel Strudwick (ncs3 [at] Also contact him with any problems with the system, e.g. you cannot find a name you know to be among those in this data.

Reporting spam

Sending spam is an abuse of most major email systems. When I notice clear evidence of abuse of this email list, I will report offenders to their ISPs. I cannot give every ISP here, but the main offenders are often using Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail accounts. If others wish to report email abuse, here are links to their abuse reporting systems:

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